31/01/21 - Here’s some photos of the Blue Magnolia Jass Orchestra, taken off the tele. by my brother Peter, when we appeared on “Opportunity Knocks” in the late 70s: In the right hand photo are: Tom Kirby (bjo), Trevor Stent (clt), Ken Sims (cnt), Hughie, Jon Critchley, and Alan Millar: Also out of shot was Bob Heyward (piano), Jeff Samuels (Sousaphone) and Mike McCombe (Drums). Acker introduced us, and Hughie Green (who was very late on stage as he was busy getting his makeup right) insisted on duetting with him on bad clarinet in “Stranger on the Shore”. At the end of the show all the acts had to do a reprise and play or sing a few bars of what they had performed to remind the audience of what they had been listening to. So we kicked off from the middle 8 of our song “Everybody Loves My Baby”, to the end, and raised a respectable count of 71 on the Clapometer. The subsequent winner of that night, and of previous weeks (allegedly due to her coercing workmates to vote for her using prepaid postcards) was a “singer” from over the border. She just could not pitch in on the middle eight, and had to sing a chorus all the way through, until she arrived magically at the middle 8, at which point recording could re-commence. I’m not bitter. It was a great experience, but maybe if we’d won, I wouldn’t be spending the last week lifting 30 buckets a day out of our cellar due to a rise in the water table, due to the bloody incessant rain, and due to the bloody insurance company Royal Sun Alliance saying that, YES, we’re insured against flooding, but, NO, we’re not insured against a rise in the water table. But I digress.... I’m still playing, I wonder if the winner of that show is still singing? Hope not.
In the left picture,
line-up in shot is Trevor Stent (clt), Ken Sims (cnt), Jon
Critchley (cnt), Alan Millar (tmb). Out of shot: Jeff
Samuels (sousaphone), Bob Hayward (pno) and Mike McCombe
03/02/21 - George Webb, "The Father of British Jazz", at his Llandudno Jazz Festival at Butlins' Grand Hotel in November '91. He was a lovely man - at the end of the final night, he was at the door shaking everyone's hand and thanking them for attending ! - Terry Birkinhead |
05/02/21 - Howard Murray says, can you name these musicians? On 16/02/21 - Howard offered up the answers - Guitar: The late Alan Yates. Drums: The late Malcolm Ferrari. Trombone: Howard Burrows now in the Midlands. Piano: Mike Medina. Now in Leeds (brother of Paul M). T/bone and Bass). Clarinet: Howard Murray.. New Years Eve Gig 1959. T. A. Barracks, Whalley Range. My first gig... Dread to think what I sounded like. Got £5.00... Over half of a week's wage as an apprentice TV Engineer. I thought ""Could do with some more of this!" |
07/02/21 - Bob Lamb sent me this nostalgic collector's item. Bob writes, "May be of interest Fred.. and a conundrum.. This sleeve has the autographs of the Merseysippi Jazz Band personnel on Any Old Rags?? (11.05.1958).. apart from one, Never could get the vocalist Al St. George.. Who ?.... and why does he not appear on the record jacket ? - Bob Lamb CHESTER |
Cy Laurie with The New Riverside Jazz Band. Picture taken by Barrie Marshall |
The Savoy
Jazzmen at The Palm House. Peter Swensson says, |
See also