The Forest New Orleans Jazz Band Peter Vickers died in October 2018
The band has now disbanded,
with the loss of so many members There is going to be a farewell event for the Forest New Orleans jazz band organised by Jeff Roberts, Anne Clements and myself on Sunday 8th May from 2pm - 5pm at The Union Exchange, Colne. It is also another opportunity to get together to say goodbye to the members of the band who have sadly passed away in the last few years, Tom Culbert, Jack Moore, John Brunton and Malcolm Bateson. There will be a core 7 piece band made up of the remaining members of the Forest New Orleans jazz band and deputies who will play the first set but we are hoping all musicians in attendance will bring along their instruments so as many musicians as possible can play in the 2nd and 3rd sets. The event will be free entry but there will be a collection and a raffle to raise money for charity. - Mark Croasdale Shutter Delay Photograph by Peter Vickers Band Contact: Arthur Stead: (01535 665247)The Forest Jazz Band can trace its beginnings back to 1984 when Jack Moore and Keith Simkin watched and enjoyed traditional jazz played by the Riverside Jazz Band at The Wagoners, Burnley. Jack got himself a trombone and together with Keith on banjo, began to practise at each others homes. Eventually they found other enthusiasts willing to play drums, clarinet, bass and trumpet. Before long they had regular practice sessions every Sunday morning at The Pendle Forest Sports Club in Fence near Burnley. One day a singer, Gloria joined in and the band was formed. They wanted to name the band after The Pendle Forest, but as there was already a Pendle JazzMen, they settled on the name The Forest Jazz Band. It was, however, to be another two years before they plucked up courage to play in public at Jimmy Nelson's Sports Club in Nelson and the performance went down so well that soon the band were playing at one or two pubs in the area. Regular weekly performances began at The Crown at Colne and then various other venues, the latest being at the Union Exchange, Market Street, Colne, BB8 0LL every Tuesday starting at 8.30pm, in what is affectionately known as the County of Louisiancashire. I came across this photograph as I was getting rid of some old floppy disks (remember them?). The files was save on 16th July 1997, but not sure when it was taken or who took it, looks too good to have been taken by me - Fred. L-R Jack Moore, Ron Payton, Tom Culbert, Dave Stanley, Arthur Stead, Frank Lowe & Dave Ellison