Jazz promoters... Tom Baron Tom is no longer promoting jazz
It was in New York where he was able to indulge in his love of jazz by visiting the
180 attended. Tom and Robin were encouraged and were given good publicity by Jazz Journal and Jazz U. K. Blakeys continued to operate alongside on a monthly basis, providing quality traditional and mainstream jazz. The special promotions ran for a few years with one or more London-based musicians coming up to support the main attraction. The idea of a Jazz Party continued to flourish in Tom's mind and 1997/8 saw Tom visiting Clearwater and consulting Mat Domber, Arbor's head, as to the implication of hosting his own Jazz Party. Thus he began the planning of his first, which was held at the Imperial Hotel, Blackpool in 2000. The input from Jed Williams of Jazz U. K. on all aspects of the planning, particularly in relation to how to approach would-be sponsors was greatly valued by Tom .A brochure was produced and sent out to the marketing managers of some 50 major companies who had a link with the arts. Allan Greenhalgh of the Rhythm Station at Rawtenstall took him up and gave him valuable support that year, as did three other generous sponsors. Tom is most appreciative of the support of Blackpool Borough Council Tourism Department and both the material contribution and the valuable time, expertise and support offered to him by Allan, Clarrie, Robin, Derek Webster, Steve Voce and Tony Davis who shared comparing duties at the first party, which over 300 attended. The Party is unique in the U. K. and has maintained attendances of over 400 in each of the subsequent years, which speaks highly of the quality of musicians Tom has invited each year. Tom selects and invites the musicians himself. Eighteen are coming from the U. S. A. this year, along with five British and one Finn. He then prepares the programme for the weekend, which comprises of 34 sets. He tells me that it is like playing an extremely challenging game of chess because he tries to cover a spectrum and provide a balanced programme, which acknowledges 'Ragtime to Be-bop' and in particular the Swing Era, in different ways. The musicians need to be 'married together' and many are given suggested themes for their sets. Tom's wife Chris is tremendously supportive of him and he would like to acknowledge the work that she does for him throughout the year in relation to the Party and its organisation. Patricia O'Beirne Tom still playing tennis at the age of 87 in 2019. Photo courtesy BBC TV
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