Last updated - Saturday February 04, 2023
Reproduced by kind permission of
Just driving through the Ayr town centre John turned to tell me he was in the wrong lane to get to the Fairfield Hotel, the venue we were playing at. He then said, in a very strange voice, he thought he was having a stroke. I immediately told him to stop and I would take over the driving, but he insisted he would carry on. He then replied "I don't know what happened there, my arm and hand went all prickly", but proceeded to continue to the gig. On entering the hotel I asked the receptionist for help as I had our drummer in the back of the car who'd had a stroke and we needed help. She got the medical lady from the hotel to check him out together with a doctor who was giving advice over the phone. This seemed to be going well until the lady asked John if there was anything he might like, "yes I would love a pint" he said to which she said no chance at the moment. The hotel staff were brilliant with their assistance and told us help was on its way. Sadly, after waiting and waiting and still waiting no help arrived. The hotel staff told Richard Church and myself that we would have to take John ourselves to Ayr General Hospital where they were waiting for us. Just about to set off someone said change of plan we had to take him to University Hospital Crosshouse which was about 16 miles away in Kilmarnock. The information was to just get on the A77 and keep going until you see a sign for Hospital. The road was full of speed cameras, max 50mph, so it took us quite a while to get there. Eventually we got there and whilst I was parking the car Richard managed to get John into Hospital where John was checked over by a nurse, who decided he would have to stay in subject to them finding him a bed. They did, but he was then left for over four hours plus in a corridor. As the Hospital do not do tests at weekends he would have to wait until Monday before they could do anything at all. I then contacted Stuart McLean who runs the Jazz Club and told him our predicament and he asked us if we wanted to cancel the evening I said no THE SHOW MUST GO ON which is the title of a Double CD we made, as a five piece, hoping to raise funds for The Stroke Association. The results of the recording by Stuart is quite surprising and can be obtained from Brian Ellis, 21 Elmwood Grove, Horbury, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF4 5JH. Cheques payable to Brian Ellis for £11.60 inc. pp Many thanks to everyone who has bought the CDs and also sent donations up to 12 December, 2022. Hoping to make £250 for SA. John had another massive stroke on the Saturday night which was more damaging than the first and left him with memory loss and mobility problems. He stayed in Crosshouse before being transferred nearer home to Calderdale Royal Hospital where he stayed until Friday, 2 December. He is now at home being looked after by his wife Prue and various professionals. He is very determined and that will hopefully help him overcome most of his disabilities, his playing days are over, but we live in hope. Thanks to the hotel staff and the hospital staff; they were very helpful, but we were let down by the ambulance/paramedics who didn't turn up. The Savannah Jazz Band fulfilled all their gigs up to and including Sand Bay on 15 January, 2023, then we are going into a temporary hold until John (if he ever) feels fit enough to play again. It's not an easy decision to have to make, but with fuel prices rising and having to cater for six vehicles and all the miles we have to cover makes it a situation we have to think about. I know lots of clubs are suffering and people are getting older, including the band, we know it a sign of the times and it not going to change anytime soon. On behalf of the band I would just like to thank all fellow musicians who have helped us out, past and present and sometimes at short notice, our loyal supporters who also have travelled miles to meet up with us, promoters of jazz festivals, jazz clubs and other functions but lastly our wives, families, partners and lady friends who have put up with our unsociable life style but still supported us. Brian 'Sam' Ellis - trombone and piano