To All Jazz Promoters, Last updated - Saturday November 02, 2024
Dear Jazz Friends From time to time I receive a donation towards the running cost of the site, and other people have asked if they can also help. Initially I felt that if anybody should be expected to contribute, it should be those who have gained financially as a result of a gig I've passed on, through sales of CDs, or through increase attendance at a jazz club, but that avenue, with notable exceptions, seems to have dried up. It used to be that I felt this was a hobby and as such I never expected to receive financial assistance, but it has become a service that people appreciate, and one that I feel I can't just stop doing when I feel like it. I have, on occasions, been asked if it is possible to make a donation and how to go about it. It costs around £100 a year to register the name and to have the site available on line 24/7, and that price will no doubt increase like everything else. The many hours I spend, I do because I feel that what I do is helpful, and wouldn't put a price on it. My contact details can be found here and if you would like to help with the running costs, no matter how small, you can simply send a cheque to my address, payable to me, and I'll do the rest. If you no longer have a cheque book you can bank transfer to 07-01-16 30998328 plus my name, Fred Burnett.The PayPal link & QR Code below allows you to donate via another PayPal account or via credit card. Please send me an email to confirm as my account doesn't always show sender details With grateful thanks
Click here to donate via PayPal